Bishops Palace Fulham

Bishops Palace - Fulham

Fulham Palace, a Grade II listed building with medieval origins, was once the main residence of the Bishop of London. The palace garden is also regarded as Grade II* on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens. Open daily and free to visit, Fulham Palace attracted over 390,000 visitors in 2015/2016, according to the Fulham Palace Trust.

Since the 16th century, the garden at Fulham Palace has been one of London's most significant botanical sites, second only to one other. Bishop Grindal (c. 1519–1583) established a Tudor walled garden and a series of parterre gardens, introducing the tamarisk tree to England and growing grapes sent to Elizabeth I. In 1918, part of the grounds were converted into allotments to support the war effort, and the palace was part of the Fulham military hospital.

The Tait Chapel, designed by William Butterfield for Bishop Tait in 1866–7, is dedicated to the Blessed Trinity and cost £1,869 to build. Damaged during World War II, the chapel was reorganized for Bishop Wand in the 1950s.

After the Bishops of London vacated the palace in 1973,  Hammersmith Council leased the property in 1975, opening a museum and art gallery. However, the palace and gardens were neglected. In 1990, a trust was established to oversee the property in collaboration with the council.

The Fulham Palace Restoration Project, carried out in three phases, began in the 2000s. The first phase, completed in 2006 at a cost of £4 million, restored the east wing and part of the west wing, including the Tudor courtyard. The second phase, completed in 2011 at a cost of £7 million, focused on the walled garden, outbuildings, and moat. The third phase, completed in 2019, included a new museum and significant restoration work on the Tudor courtyard and great hall. Funding for these phases came from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Fulham Palace Trust.

Fulham Palace had been a residence of the Bishops of London since AD 704 when Bishop Waldhere acquired the Manor of Fulham, a vast estate covering much of modern-day Hammersmith, Fulham, Acton, Ealing, and Finchley. Known as Fulham Palace because bishops were called ‘Princes of the Church,’ the estate saw its original manor house abandoned in the mid-13th century. Over 750 years, the house evolved with various bishops’ remodelling efforts, creating an intriguing mix of architectural styles reflecting changing fashions and needs.

Historically, Fulham Palace served as a summer retreat for bishops to entertain important guests, including Queen Elizabeth I in 1601. Post-Reformation, clergy were allowed to marry, and the palace became a family home. In the 19th century, the bishops and their wives began sharing the house and garden with the community, hosting large parties and pageants.

During the World Wars, Fulham Palace provided refuge for bishops and their families. In 1918, it housed a hospital for wounded soldiers, and during the 1940 Blitz, two hundred people found shelter after their homes were bombed.

Bishop Stopford was the last Bishop of London to reside at Fulham Palace, who left in 1973.