The Savoy Hotel
The Savoy
The Savoy Hotel, located on the Strand in central London, is a luxury hotel with a rich history dating back to 1889. Built by impresario Richard D'Oyly Carte with profits from his Gilbert and Sullivan operas, the Savoy was the first hotel in Britain to feature electric lights, electric lifts, en-suite bathrooms, and constant hot and cold running water.
Carte hired César Ritz as manager and Auguste Escoffier as chef, setting new hotel service and dining standards. The hotel quickly became popular among royalty and celebrities, including Edward VII, Oscar Wilde, Frank Sinatra, and Marilyn Monroe. Winston Churchill frequently brought his cabinet to lunch there.
The Savoy stands on land once owned by Peter of Savoy, who built the Savoy Palace in 1263. This palace was later destroyed in the Peasants' Revolt of 1381. A hospital established by Henry VII in the early 16th century also stood on the site but was dissolved in 1702. The land remained unused until Carte purchased it in 1880.
Inspired by American hotels, Carte aimed to create a luxurious experience in Britain. Opened in 1889, the hotel was designed by Thomas Edward Collcutt. Despite initial financial struggles, the hotel thrived under Ritz and Escoffier's management, attracting distinguished guests and leading Carte to acquire other luxury hotels.
In the early 20th century, the Savoy expanded, adding new wings and serviced apartments. It hosted grand events like the 1905 Gondola Party and introduced the handcrafted Savoy Bed. During World War II, the hotel became a popular spot for American officers and war leaders like Churchill and de Gaulle.
Post-war, the Savoy continued to innovate, introducing air conditioning, soundproofed windows, and 24-hour room service. It attracted stars like Judy Garland and Bob Dylan and hosted events like the 1953 Coronation Ball.
In 2004, the Savoy was sold to Al-Waleed bin Talal and managed by Fairmont Hotels and Resorts. It closed in 2007 for a complete renovation, reopening with a budget of £100 million. The hotel now features 267 guest rooms with panoramic views of the Thames.
Today, the Savoy remains an iconic symbol of luxury and history, attracting guests worldwide.
In Savoy Court, vehicles drive on the right, a unique practice in the UK. This custom dates back to the hackney carriage days when cab drivers would reach out of their windows to open the passenger's door without leaving their seats. The hotel's small roundabout required vehicles to have a turning circle of 25 feet (7.6 m), which remains the legal turning circle for all London cabs today.